View Full Version : QLabel unable to show Hindi Text from *.qm file

13th December 2010, 12:43
Steps I have performed

1) lupdate to extract the string from the *.ui file genrated by designer
2) manually opening the *.ts file in gedit and adding the hindi translation
<location filename="ActionScreen.ui" line="20"/>
<translation>मार्गदर् ¤¶à¤•</translation>
<location filename="ActionScreen.ui" line="137"/>
<source>CCTV Cameras</source>

3) lrelease to genrate *.qm file and loading these file using translator

On execution the application title got changed to hindi, but QLabel was unable to show hindi text. Kindly guide me where I am doing wrong

I have attached a screenshot of my application along this information

27th December 2010, 10:10
Issue resolved by upgrading to the QT 4.7