View Full Version : switching from Win to Linux - don't know how

15th December 2010, 08:15
I've been using Qt 4.4.3 for some time. I don't use the special Qt environment but simply the command prompt to compile my applications: qmake -project, qmake, make.

Now I'd like to switch to Linux (Kubuntu). Meanwhile the new Qt Creator has come out. It's a fancy nice thing but I don't want to use it right now. I'd like to be able to compile my programs using command prompt the same simple way I did it for windows. I thought I got pretty close but I keep getting the "error 127" message when I compile. The makefile may have a problem.

Now my question:
Does someone have simple instructions (a link) to the simplest way one could compile a Qt code under Linux. I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks!

15th December 2010, 08:22
Post the actual build errors; the most likely problem is that you don't have g++ installed, or some other program make is looking for, but it's impossible to say from a nondescript error message alone.

15th December 2010, 10:53
And another common problem with these "hand holding" distributions is that development packages need to be installed seperatly (Why do they make it so difficult?).
So, if you install package A, also install the A-Dev (or whatever it is called) package.