View Full Version : WinCE OpenGL ES build error

16th December 2010, 10:01
I am trying to build Qt 4.7.1 for WinCE (Windows Mobile60professional) with OpenGLES support. I have previously managed to build version 4.6.3 with exactly the same settings and procedure:

1. I am using shadow build:

set PATH=c:\qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES\bin;%PATH%
cd \qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES

2. I configure with following options:

C:\Qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES>c:\qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\configure -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm60professional-msvc2008 -opengl-es-cm -graphicssystem opengl

3. I setup path for Vincent3D lib:

C:\Qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES>set INCLUDE=C:\Qt\ogles-bin-1.0.0\include;%INCLUDE%
C:\Qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES>set LIB=C:\Qt\ogles-bin-1.0.0\bin\arm\Release;%LIB%

When I try nmake after some time I get following error:

link /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\Qt_4.7.1_WinCE_OpenGLES\lib" /LIBPATH:"c:\Qt\Qt_4.7
OWSCE,5.02 /MACHINE:THUMB /DLL /VERSION:4.71 /OUT:..\..\lib\QtOpenGLd4.dll @C:\U
Creating library ..\..\lib\QtOpenGLd4.lib and object ..\..\lib\QtOpenGLd4.exp

qgl.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct QMeta
Object const QGLWindowSurface::staticMetaObject" (?staticMetaObject@QGLWindowSur
qglpaintdevice.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static s
truct QMetaObject const QGLWindowSurface::staticMetaObject" (?staticMetaObject@Q

I found no references on the Internet for this error.Actually I have found some people reporting this problem, but without any solution.

Has anyone managed to sucesfully build and use OpenGL ES Qt support on Windows Mobile?

30th December 2010, 17:17

I have downloaded Imagination Technologies POWERVR SDK for OpenGLES v1 and v2. Using v2 includes and libs I have managed to build QtEverywhere4.7.1 for WinCE and run ALL examples.

Using the same SDK for OpenGLESv1 (both single libGLES_CM.lib for older devices and combination of libEGL.lib + libGLESv1_CM.lib) fail with linker error in my previous post.