View Full Version : How do i connect to QDbus signal in QTDbus ?

noa l
16th December 2010, 16:12
Hi ,

(basic info : I'm using QT4.5(.2?), on gnome machine)

I need to connect to a DBus signal and will appreciate your help as I fail to do so.
I actually have two questions regarding the code below as I want to register to "StatusChanged" signal under "/org/gnome/SessionManager/Presence" (I do have it on my machine and i can register to it through the qdbusviewer):

Q-a: Do i send the correct arguments to the QDBusInterface constructor ?

Q-b: When running this code and getting to the connect line I get the following message:

Object::connect: No such signal org::gnome::SessionManager::Presence::StatusChange d(int) in dialog.cpp

So how am i supposed to register to the signal?

My code is:

QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection ::sessionBus();

QDBusInterface *dbus_iface = new QDBusInterface("org.gnome.SessionManager","/Presence",
"org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence", bus);

connect(dbus_iface, SIGNAL(StatusChanged(int)), this, SLOT(MySlot(int));

Added after 11 minutes:

more info :

I changed second argument of constructor to be "/org/gnome/SessionManager/Presence". I'm getting the following message:

Invalid D-Bus member name 'stats-tezt' found in interface 'org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence' while parsing introspection

So I guess it is correct because indeed theere is such property,
but I'm still getting the "no suych signal.." error .

17th December 2010, 00:13
If what you posted the only connect() statement in your dialog.cpp?

noa l
17th December 2010, 16:34

I'm sorry but i'mnot sure i understood your question. The code i wrote here is the only code of the application. It is executed when a button is clicked.

I'll try to explain again - just to make sure it is clear :-)

I want to be notified by signal "StatusChanged" of "/org/gnome/SessionManager/Presence

When this signal is "signaled' i want "MySlot" slot Dialog::method to be called.
How do i do it ? (The code is within a Dialog method)

Apparently I did something wrong as I get an error message saying that

"Object::connect: No such signal org::gnome::SessionManager::Presence::StatusChange d(int) in dialog.cpp

I did not define any "StatusChanged" - as it is supposed to be a signal of the remove interface of DBUS.

Can anyone add here a working example ?

Maybe the (int) is wrong?

Thanks all in advance


17th December 2010, 17:01
Please provide a minimal compilable example reproducing the problem.

noa l
17th December 2010, 19:46
unfortunately i cannot get to the development machine at the moment - but i just created a basic QT application using the QTCreator - added a button , and on click i activated the following code:

void Dialog::onclick()
QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection ::sessionBus();

QDBusInterface *dbus_iface = new QDBusInterface("org.gnome.SessionManager","/org/gnome/SessionManager/Presence", "org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence", bus);

connect(dbus_iface, SIGNAL(StatusChanged(int)), this, SLOT(MySlot(int));


void Dialog::MySlot(int status)
printf("status is %d\n", status);

noa l
19th December 2010, 09:53
But maybe this question will help to figure it our:

My "Dialog" is defined like this:

class Dialog : public QDialog

Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0);

Ui::Dialog *ui;

private slots:
void on_pushButton_clicked();
void MySlot(int status);

and the connect code is found in the on_pushButton_clicked() method.
But - don't i need the instance calling the "connect" to derive from some QTDbus class ?

noa l
19th December 2010, 14:31

I will answer my own question , for the benefit of my followers ...

The connect line should be as described here:

QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("org.gnome.SessionManager", "/org/gnome/SessionManager/Presence", "org.gnome.SessionManager.Presence" ,"StatusChanged", this, SLOT(MySlot(uint)));