View Full Version : Problem with qmake: creating xcodeproj from pro file with config+=debug_and_release

17th December 2010, 16:38

i have a basic .pro file (generated from a VC 2008 Project on Win32), which i have edited on OS X to generate a xcodeproj. I'd like to habe both the release and debug build in my XCode project. Therefore, i wrote the following statements in my myproject.pro file:

CONFIG += debug_and_release
# configure debug and release builds:
# note we have a distinct name for the debug build target
release {
TARGET = MyTargetName
DESTDIR = ./release
MOC_DIR = ./MyFolder/GeneratedFiles/release
OBJECTS_DIR = ./MyFolder/release
debug {
TARGET = MyTargetName_d
DESTDIR = ./debug
MOC_DIR = ./MyFolder/GeneratedFiles/debug
OBJECTS_DIR = ./MyFolder/debug

Now, when i run

qmake -spec macx-xcode myproject.pro

i get a myproject.xcodeproject 'file'. However, when i open it, there is only one active target named MyTargetName_d???

Do i miss something completely? Do i need different xcodeproject files for debug and release modes?

Best Regards,
