View Full Version : [TUTORIAL] how to compile qt, qtcreator and libqxt on Windows-Mingw (with openssl)

19th December 2010, 18:16
Hi !
first off... sorry for my poor english...

I had spent many hours trying to get libqxt widgets on qt creator (on Windows Mingw).
As you know for archieve that you usually only need to compile qt creator with mingw... but... the last qt 4.7.1 package has a bug... http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15744 ... and can not be used to build Qt Creator. :mad:

there are a lot of tutorials to build qt and qt creator on windows-mingw... but some of them are incomplete or erronous...
so... i want to help others to avoid my frustration....

follow these steps carefully

you need this specific version of mingw
just unzip it ... (c:\mingw)

we are going to activate openssl on qt... so... you need openssl. (maybe you prefer to skip this step)
just only need to install the binary pack
(in this example on c:\OpenSSL-Win32)

download qt source

unzip it
(in this example qt root is on C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\)

open a console as Administrator

set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32

configure qt with openssl:

configure -platform win32-g++ -debug-and-release -opensource -developer-build -shared -qt-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-odbc -no-qt3support -no-opengl -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -nomake examples -nomake demos -webkit -script -declarative -qt-libtiff -openssl -I C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include -L c:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib\MinGW

(maybe you want to remove openssl ... or you want other options... just write "configure -?" to see a detailed explanation of what options ara avaliable)

(this takes more than 4 hours in a modern computer... patience)

close that console

now download qt creator sources
unzip it
(in this example on C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-src)

open a new console as administator (IMPORTANT!)

set QTDIR=C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1
set PATH=C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\bin;C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\lib;C:\MinGW\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++

create a new folder
(in this example C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-build)
go to C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-build

qmake.exe C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-src\qtcreator.pro -spec win32-g++ -r CONFIG+=release

mingw32-make release

(this take more than an hour to complete)

close that console


add this to PATH system enviroment variable

now you can launch C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-build\bin\qtcreator.exe and it should work fine.

CLOSE qtcreator


download libqxt
and unzip it
(in this example on c:\libqxt)

open a console as administrator

set QTDIR=C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1
set PATH=C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\bin;C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1\lib;C:\MinGW\bin;%SystemRoot%\System32
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++

go to c:\libqxt

configure -debug_and_release -no-db -I C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include -L C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib -l libeay32 -l ssleay32


mingw32-make install

now you can open qtcreator or qtdesigner... and you can see libqxt plugins !

I hope this help.
I'm not an expert... so.. if you want to improve this guide...


20th December 2010, 09:11
why not post it in the wiki?
here it gets lost between so many threads...

19th April 2011, 18:14
I tried following your tutorial and I`m getting an error on the fourth step.
I used the following command line:
configure -platform win32-g++ -debug-and-release -opensource -developer-build -shared -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-psql -qt-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-odbc -no-qt3support -no-opengl -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -nomake examples -nomake demos -webkit -script -declarative -qt-libtiff -openssl -I C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include -L c:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib\MinGW

and I`m getting the following error:
Creating qmake...
g++ -c -oproject.o -O -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Ige
nerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/inc
lude -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/include/QtCore -IC:\Qt\qt-everyw
here-opensource-src-4.7.2/include -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/inc
lude/QtCore -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/src/corelib/global -IC:\Q
t\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/src/corelib/xml -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opens
ource-src-4.7.2/mkspecs/win32-g++ -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/too

g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
mingw32-make: *** [project.o] Error 1
del project.o main.o makefile.o unixmake.o unixmake2.o mingw_make.o option.o win
makefile.o projectgenerator.o property.o meta.o makefiledeps.o metamakefile.o xm
loutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o borland_bmake.o msvc_nmake.o msvc_vcproj.o msvc_vcxproj
.o msvc_objectmodel.o msbuild_objectmodel.o symmake.o initprojectdeploy_symbian.
o symmake_abld.o symmake_sbsv2.o symbiancommon.o registry.o epocroot.o qbitarray
.o qbuffer.o qbytearray.o qcryptographichash.o qvsnprintf.o qbytearraymatcher.o
qconfig.o qdatetime.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o qfile.o qtemporaryfile.o qfileinfo.o
qabstractfileengine.o qfsfileengine.o qfsfileengine_iterator.o qfsfileengine_wi
n.o qfsfileengine_iterator_win.o qglobal.o qhash.o qiodevice.o qlibraryinfo.o ql
ist.o qlinkedlist.o qlocale.o qmalloc.o qmap.o qregexp.o qtextcodec.o qutfcodec.
o qstring.o qstringlist.o qsystemlibrary.o qtextstream.o quuid.o qvector.o qurl.
o qsettings.o qsettings_win.o qvariant.o qmetatype.o qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o qn
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, del project.o main.o makefile.o unixmake.o un
ixmake2.o mingw_make.o option.o winmakefile.o projectgenerator.o property.o meta
.o makefiledeps.o metamakefile.o xmloutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o borland_bmake.o msvc
_nmake.o msvc_vcproj.o msvc_vcxproj.o msvc_objectmodel.o msbuild_objectmodel.o s
ymmake.o initprojectdeploy_symbian.o symmake_abld.o symmake_sbsv2.o symbiancommo
n.o registry.o epocroot.o qbitarray.o qbuffer.o qbytearray.o qcryptographichash.
o qvsnprintf.o qbytearraymatcher.o qconfig.o qdatetime.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o q
file.o qtemporaryfile.o qfileinfo.o qabstractfileengine.o qfsfileengine.o qfsfil
eengine_iterator.o qfsfileengine_win.o qfsfileengine_iterator_win.o qglobal.o qh
ash.o qiodevice.o qlibraryinfo.o qlist.o qlinkedlist.o qlocale.o qmalloc.o qmap.
o qregexp.o qtextcodec.o qutfcodec.o qstring.o qstringlist.o qsystemlibrary.o qt
extstream.o quuid.o qvector.o qurl.o qsettings.o qsettings_win.o qvariant.o qmet
atype.o qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o qnumeric.o, ...) failed.
make (e=2): O sistema nao pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.
mingw32-make: [clean] Error 2 (ignored)
g++ -c -oproject.o -O -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Ige
nerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/inc
lude -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/include/QtCore -IC:\Qt\qt-everyw
here-opensource-src-4.7.2/include -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/inc
lude/QtCore -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/src/corelib/global -IC:\Q
t\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/src/corelib/xml -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opens
ource-src-4.7.2/mkspecs/win32-g++ -IC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.2/too

g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
mingw32-make: *** [project.o] Error 1
Building qmake failed, return code 2

Can someone help this noob fellow(me) who all his life used windows binaries, never having to compile anything, and now that the compiling time has came, has no ideia wtf this error means.