View Full Version : QScrollArea - scrollbar arrows stylesheet, single step

3rd January 2011, 10:25

I've got some problem with styling scrollbar of QScrollArea. I've set stylesheet for QScrollArea:

QScrollBar:vertical {min-width: 40px; margin-right: 25px;}

But after that I can't see any arrows. I'm trying to change stylesheet of an arrows with:

QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical, QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical {background: white; width: 35px; height: 30px;}

But still can't see them. Any suggestions?

Solved the problem using stylesheet example.

One more. QScrollBar is part of QScrollArea. QScrollBar inherits setSingleStep() from QAbstractSlider - so, can I use It somehow for my QScrollArea to change single step?

thanks in advance
best regards