View Full Version : How to set the path for make in the qtcreator on windows

4th January 2011, 02:18
Hi, I installed the QtCreator on windows 7, but I am having the following error during the compilation of the project:

Error while building project
When executing build step 'Make'
Could not find make command

I believe I have the compiler installed because I have the directory C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.0.1\mingw\bin
where the binaries like mingw32-g++ and mingw32-c++ are present.

However I was not able to set the path of the Qtcreator properly.
I have tried something in the "projects" session in the Qtcreator and also adding the directory above in the path environment variable, but both were unsuccessful

Some one could give a clue?
Many thanks

5th January 2011, 13:19
I solved the installation. I installed the qt-win-opensource-4.7.1-vs2008 and also reinstalled the qt-creator-win-opensource-2.0.1 and then in the Qt-creator's "projects" option I set the QT version to 4.7.0 and then all the rest goes fine.