View Full Version : Plotting bar graphs using QwtPlotHistogram

4th January 2011, 05:39
I need to plot bar graphs, such that not all of them begin from the axis.
If i use QwtPlotHistogram, i can plot all data but starting from the axis.
I have attached an image showing how i want my plot to look.
Any suggestions?

4th January 2011, 07:01
try overlapping the existing plot with another plot (disable its color)
Not sure if its a correct method But I got similar plot by doing this....

4th January 2011, 07:38
i can plot all data but starting from the axis.

What type of data do yo have:

- [y1,y2] = f( x );
- [y1,y2] = f( [x1, x2] )

Or do you simply have an ordered array of [y1,y2] intervals that are unrelated to any x value ( beside of their position in the array ) ?


4th January 2011, 08:42
I have just an ordered array [y1,y2], unrelated to any x value

4th January 2011, 09:47
Then better implement your own type of plot item.

Derive from QwtPlotSeriesItem and use samples like this:

class YourSample
YourSample( const QwtInterval &, const QwtInterval & );

bool operator==( const YourSample & ) const;
bool operator!=( const YourSample & ) const;

//! Interval
QwtInterval interval[2];

Then your series data object can return [ index - 0.5 , index + 0.5 [ as one interval and the other interval from your array.

class YourSeriesData: public QwtSeriesData<YourSample>
YourSeriesData( const QVector<QwtInterval> &intervals):
m_intervals( intervals )

virtual size_t size() const
return m_intervals.size();

virtual YourSample sample( size_t i ) const
QwtInterval interval( i - 0.5, i + 0.5, QwtInterval:: ExcludeMaximum);
return YourSample( interval, m_intervals[i] );

virtual QRectF boundingRect() const
double xMin = -0.5;
double xMax = size() + 0.5;

double yMin = ...;
double yMax = ...;

return QRectF( xMin , yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin );

Of course the code above is for vertical bars ( v.v. to your screenshot ).

Implementing the virtual methods for your plot item should be straight forward ( or copy and adopt your code from QwtPlotHistogram ).
