View Full Version : Touchscreen Best Practice ?

11th January 2011, 12:42
Hi all,
we have to design a touchscreen gui for linux x86 and decided to use Qt

My question is: considering touchscreen applications a genre, is there a best practice for this kind of applications in order to be time effective ?

In other words, our gui is almost totally composed of text and graphic buttons organized in several flavours, optimized for touch feeling and view. Buttons occur in very different styles depending on the context and function, for exmple background blinking when active, one or two icon (possibly animated) appearing and disappering at side and so on.
Our thought is that buttons are buttons, you know, but is there a better approach than others in implementig such application ? Which button classes should be extended in your opinion ? Is it worthful to start subclassing QAbstractButton or we should use more specialized classes ? Is it easy to customize button appearance ? Is the QGraphicView framework useful ?

Thank you for your replies


11th January 2011, 12:43
In your case I suggest you take a look at QML.