View Full Version : problem integrating qwt with qtcreator

12th January 2011, 12:20
dear all,

i need to integrate qwt with qtcreator. this is the steps i followed.

qwt installation:

cd qwt-5.2.0
sudo make install

and copied
1) libqwt_designer_plugin.so to /opt/qtsdk-2010.05/bin/designer
2)/qwt-5.2.0/lib* to /usr/lib

i have installed qt-4.7.0 on linux platform in /usr
qtcreater-2.0.1 in /opt
qtsdk-2010.05 in /opt

now when i open tools->formeditor->about Qt designer plugin i see error message that failed to load libqwt_designer_plugin.so reason for that is /usr/lib/libqwt.so.5 undefined symbol:_ZN7QWidget8qwsEventEP8QWSEvent.

i have no idea how do i over come this problem.