View Full Version : Help getting QxtScheduleView or somthing similiar working

16th January 2011, 16:19
Im trying to make a weekly event scheduler and i found a class used in libqxt that would really save me alot of time but im just having problems trying to under stand how to use it and the original author is busy with other things to document it so a few people have tried to use this QxtScheduleView class without much luck. I was wondering if anyone could just take a peek at it and give some direction on how to use it. Ive been able to get view to display the time range and cells but i just dont know how to get items on the view let alone use the custom delegate.

Here is the link to the class

Here is a link to another image of a scheduler using the class

here is the full doxygen class reference for the view, styled item and delegate info

Thanks for any help

16th January 2011, 21:13
You need to write a proxy for it to get at your data model. I have one here: https://github.com/srhea/GoldenCheetah/blob/release_3.0.0dev/src/QxtScheduleViewProxy.h

But it uses a slightly modified version of the qxtscheduleview widget, but it should give you a starting point?

Good luck!

16th January 2011, 23:32
Thanks for the reply im going to try it now

Ah ok i actually grabbed GC earlier to try and see how you made all that happen after looking at your blog, nice app. But i couldnt find any qxtscheduleview in GC so i figured you used somthing else, i was just having issues linking against lib qwt to get GC to compile and actually try out the view you have in it.

17th January 2011, 07:21
Ah. Building GC is non-trivial :)

Qwt is the plotting library. Qxt is not linked, I have included the sources for the two widgets we use (span slider / schedule view) since we modified them to get them to work for us). Prior to that CONFIG += Qxt did the trick.