View Full Version : Implementation of right click for Vertical/Horizontal Headers in QTable

26th September 2006, 08:50

I am using Qt 3.3.2.
I am working with QTable.
I find that there is no right clicked signal for the verticalHeader and horizontalHeader for tables.
There is only left clicked signal for the headers.

Now, I would like to know if there is a way to implement right click feature for the vertical and horizontal headers for tables.

Thanks in advance.

26th September 2006, 08:55
Apply an event filter on the QHeader object (you can access it using QTable::verticalHeader() and QTable::horizontalHeader() and process its mousePressEvent.

27th September 2006, 12:16
I tried installing event filter on horizontal header for QTable.
Something like this...

class MyTable : public QTable
MyTable(QWidget* parent, const char* name);

MyTable::MyTable(QWidget* parent, const char* name):QTable(parent,name)
horizontalHeader ()->installEventFilter(this);

bool MyTable::eventFilter(QObject *pTarget, QEvent *pEvent)
if (pTarget == horizontalHeader())
if (pEvent->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
QMouseEvent *pMouseEvent = (QMouseEvent *)pEvent;
if (pMouseEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton)
qWarning(" vertical header right clicked!! ");
// do something

return QObject::eventFilter(pTarget, pEvent);

When i righclick on horizontal header of my table, it is getting caught!. But, my table is not displaying any information ( data in cells ) that it used to before installing event filter on
horizontal header :(
Some light please! :rolleyes:

27th September 2006, 13:11
Return false (or better yet QTable::eventFilter) from the filter when you process the event so that QHeader can do processing of its own.

And don't return QObject::eventFilter if you don't process the event yourself. You should return the base class implementation, QTable::eventFilter() in this case.

27th September 2006, 13:34
Hi !
It worked!
Thanks :-)