View Full Version : Simulator missing after installation

19th January 2011, 01:28
New to QT and C++. Just downloaded the latest QT SDK, installed.
After the QT creator was launched, I tried the example: animated title. Following the instruction: "Building and Running an Example Application", the 2nd step should be "project setup", I should be able to select targets. The instruction says I need to select at least QT simulator and a device. However, I cannot see this step at all. It simply jumped to edit mode and opened source code. When I clicked the target selector, there is only desktop, and no simulator or any other device. After I clicked the run button, it stopped and the error message is: main.moc: No such file or directory.
Did I do something wrong during the installation?

19th January 2011, 01:52
Don't confuse "Qt SDK" with "Nokia Qt SDK". Only the latter contains the simulator and ability to select targets.

17th March 2011, 23:14
Don't confuse "Qt SDK" with "Nokia Qt SDK". Only the later contains the simulator and ability to select targets.

I registered to this forum only to thank you for this clear and short post, it saved me from hitting things, I was wondering about this problem for like more than a month.. and I could not realize, why some features are missing.