View Full Version : [Qt 4.6.3] Retrieve JPEG quality

19th January 2011, 11:25
Hi 2 all !
I have the next task: read a JPEG image from file, rotate it by 90 degrees, and save it in same quality as an original image.

The question is: how can I get the JPEG quality ( 1..100 % ) from the JPEG-file.

I tried QImageReader.quality() and the result is always -1.

Thank you. Boris.

19th January 2011, 14:16
for JPEG there are libraries around which provide lossless rotation. Google for "lossless rotate jpeg lib" or start reading at http://jpegclub.org/

20th January 2011, 12:18
otternase, thank you very much. After I read your post, googled for "lossless rotate jpeg lib" and read http://jpegclub.org/ I have no questions about this theme. Thank you once more.