View Full Version : Compiling Qt Creator with mingw

27th January 2011, 09:53
Compiling Qt Creator with mingw

Hello, I'm French. I use google translation.

In order to integrate qwt into the designer qtcreator I decided to compile with mingw qtcreator (failed to compile qwt with msvc).

So that's what I did:

I installed full SQK 2010.5 (qt4.7 qtcreator + 2.0): c:\Qt\2010.5\ etc .......
I then add qtcreator 2.0.1 RC2 (to test qtquick) c:\Qt\qtcreator-2.0.1\ .......

I then downloaded the 2.0.1 sources qtcreator and I put it in d:\pathwithoutscape\repsrcqtcreator\
I created the directory: d:\pathwithoutscape\myqtcreatormingw\ to separate the sources of binary

In the Qt Console (located in directory: myqtcreatormingw) I typed:

qmake ..\repsrcqtcreator\qtcreator.pro
mingw32-make release

Then I add in the PATH: c:\Qt\2010.5\qt\bin in order to make the link with the Qt dll

So far so good

But here's the message that appears when I run my executable qtcreator.exe which is in d:\pathwithoutscape\myqtcreatormingw\

Yet the path is good and the file is present core.dll !!!!!

Here I do not see how.
Can not find anything about it on the net.

I hope someone has the answer that I would be really helpful. Personally I got no problem using qwt but without the designer. But my students would be better if they have to integrate everything to advance their project.

Thank you in advance.

29th January 2011, 13:21
Before compiling qtcreator (running mingw-make32) please run qmake -v and tell us what the output is.