View Full Version : How create about like window.

30th January 2011, 21:45
I have a main window of my program.

Now i try to creater window where i put information about version of program and creditis. How can i do this.

I create a object actionO and what i must next. It`s propably new form, but how links this window to menu in main window.

And small question. What i must do to build project to open program without RUN from QT.

30th January 2011, 21:53
I have a main window of my program.

Now i try to creater window where i put information about version of program and creditis. How can i do this.

Usually QDialog. There is also a convenience dialog that shows information about Qt: QApplication::aboutQt().

I create a object actionO and what i must next. It`s propably new form, but how links this window to menu in main window.


And small question. What i must do to build project to open program without RUN from QT.
Deploying Qt Applications (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/deployment.html) and quite a few posts in these forums.

30th January 2011, 22:55
There is also QMessageBox::about().

31st January 2011, 07:12
And small question. What i must do to build project to open program without RUN from QT.
In qtcreator, just give ctrl+B or click build proj under build menu that will build without running app.

but how links this window to menu in main window.
put a button and call the window in button click

hope it helps.

3rd February 2011, 13:42
Thats mean how compile with files who must include. To open program without program i need provide +5 files (180 MB)

How include this files and how reducted some data.

3rd February 2011, 14:36
About what files are you talking? And general tip: build your application in release mode and not in debug mode.

3rd February 2011, 14:43
libgcc_s_dw2-1, mingwm10, QtCore4, QtCored4, QtGuid4

When i change to relase mode where i can must find a exe build.
I have to folders Menu and Menu-build-desktop
In secund i have to foldesr degug where exe have about 900kb and release where exe have only 90 kb.