View Full Version : Unable to install. Qt Mobility, 1.01(1) or newer is required

2nd February 2011, 09:44
Hi All,

I have developed an application on QT Creator 2.0.95 based on Qt 4.7.1 on Windows 7. Whenever i try to install the app on mobile i get the following error:

"Unable to install. Qt Mobility, 1.01(1) or newer is required"

I believe that Qt Mobility: 1.01(0) is the latest version or is it ? Please help

Additional Info
Mobile: Nokia E52
Version on mobile:
Qt: 4.07(1)
Qt Mobility: 1.01(0)
Qt install: 4.07(1)
Qt Webkit: 4.07(1)
PIPS Installer: 1.07(5)
Open C LIBSSL Common/Patch/Support: 1.07(0)
Standard C++ Library/Common: 1.07(0)

Kind Regards