View Full Version : Custom whatsthis action

2nd February 2011, 22:26
The current qwhatsthis class only displays a text balloon. However what I would really like is to launch my help system indexed according the clicked widget.

So far I can imagine that this could be done making custom widgets that re-define the click() events. Once the item is clicked it will check for the Qt::EnterWhatsThisMode event. If it is on whatsthismode I will look within the user help using an index key extracted from a custom widget property. If not, it will just do a normal click.

Also I could customize a QAction class which just checks for the whatsthismode when triggered or clicked. This would be easy but will only work for actions. I have many types of widgets for which I would like an in-depth help

I wonder if I am missing something about the whasthismode. My solution seems too complicated for something so common. Is there a better way to do this?

26th May 2011, 20:05
You ever get anywhere with this, I am attempting to do similar things. I will keep you posted on my progress.