View Full Version : QT Core Library Not Found

3rd February 2011, 18:56

I am new to QT and trying to compile it with VTK. The support is native, and I am trying to compile the examples found here: http://vtk.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Examples/GUI/Qt/

I keep receiving an error from cmake: QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND

I pointed it at C:\Qt\4.7.1\lib\QtCore4.lib but it doesn't take it. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thanks-

26th April 2011, 08:30
i Have the same problem dude

26th April 2011, 09:51
You make a fine couple :)

Try running the cmake command from a command shell that is correctly configured to build Qt applications. In particular, qmake from the relevant Qt should be in the PATH.