View Full Version : window.setWindowsFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint), and .setWindowOpacity(.8) dont work ?

3rd February 2011, 20:28
window.setWindowsFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint), and .setWindowOpacity(.8) dont work togehter?

windows7: qt4.5.3,

how do i make a window have no frame, yet still respect the .setWindowOpacity(.8)?

the opacity works if i dont use Qt.FramelessWindowHint, but when i use Qt.FramelessWindowHint to take the titlebar away, .setWindowOpacity no longer works.

is there any other way besides Qt.FramelessWindowHint to take the title bar and resize-borders away via QT?

4th February 2011, 06:56
try to mess around with setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground );. I dont know it will work or not.