View Full Version : RSS, problem reading XML.

4th February 2011, 10:41
I need to read an XML file in order to accomplish my task. I can read it using the example i found in mine Nokia QT SDK. But if i try to modify it a little bit - it doesn't work. Here is the parseXml function i have:
void List:: parseXml()

int a = 0;
while (!xml.atEnd())
if (xml.isStartElement())
currentTag = xml.name().toString();
else if (xml.isEndElement())
if (xml.name() == "movie")

listWidget->insertItem(a, "");
listWidget->setItemWidget(listWidget->item(a), new Custom_Widget(titleString, dateString, aboutString, pictureString));
listWidget->item(a)->setSizeHint(QSize (350,470));
a = a + 1;

else if (xml.isCharacters() && !xml.isWhitespace())
if (currentTag == "title")
titleString += xml.text().toString();
else if (currentTag == "globalReleaseDate")
dateString += xml.text().toString();
else if (currentTag == "annotation")
aboutString += xml.text().toString();
else if (currentTag == "imageType1")
pictureString += xml.text().toString();
if (xml.error() && xml.error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError)
qWarning() << "XML ERROR:" << xml.lineNumber() << ": " << xml.errorString();

This code works on this page:

But now i want to make it work on other pages (the ones that usually contain items not movies). I tried to adjust this function to define the type of XML by the first tag in the file (here i was trying to make function to find tag "movieList". Unfortunately, the function does not complete the task. It finds only 2 movies (of 20) and then stops. Could someone please advice, how to change this function, so that it would work as i want (whole function works only if it finds the "movieList" tag).