View Full Version : how to build beautiful GUI like the nukia pc suite

7th February 2011, 10:05
I was scanning the web for guide to help me build GUI that looks like the nokia pc suite for example
Im looking to build beautiful GUI not the boring default Qt gui . can some one point me to some link or help on the subject .

7th February 2011, 10:14
you can customize the appearance with Stylesheets (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/stylesheet.html)

7th February 2011, 10:49
Qt Quick/QML is worth looking into as well.


7th February 2011, 13:09
Hello and thanks for the replays , my problem is that i know about this options in Qt
but my problem is how to get this level of design that looks so good .

7th February 2011, 13:25
but my problem is how to get this level of design that looks so good .Well, apart from what has already been said, the only thing missing is a decent graphics design engineer.

7th February 2011, 14:14
but my problem is how to get this level of design that looks so good .

oh, that's a very general problem - how achieve a level of "being good in something".

You need experience. Then you need some theory - read some books/articles/papers. Then you have to convert your knowloedge into practice. When you gained more experience, you read some more books/articles/papers and so on...

7th February 2011, 16:50
Start by reading everything by Edward Tufte (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=edward+tufte&x=0&y=0) you can lay your hands on.

8th February 2011, 08:10
Thanks for the replays folks , i was more looking for technical tutorials on how to
achieve those good looking GUI'S

8th February 2011, 08:49
If you want to do it right, then have a look at QStyle. There is a small example on how to write your own style: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/widgets-styles.html. Beside that simply have a look at the sources of QMotifStyle, QPlastiqueStyle etc.