View Full Version : Custom TabWidget button

10th February 2011, 03:58
How can I create tab "+" like in firefox ?

I write something like this, but it looks different than in firefox


TabManager::TabManager(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent)
tab = tabBar();
this->addTab(new QWidget(), QIcon("plus.png"), "");


class TabManager : public QTabWidget
TabManager(QWidget *);

QTabBar *tab;

result is:


so question is - do I need to change paint event for QTabWidget or QTabBar ?
or maybe there is another way to do that ?

11th February 2011, 23:39
If you want a direct equivalent then I'd add a tool button to the tab bar and reposition it as necessary.

1st August 2012, 13:18
So i will not make new thread my question is: How i can give QMenu and QTabBar to Window frame like in Firefox 8081 and how i can style frame i don't mean QFrame but Window frame for example GOM Player hasn't got windows's usualy frame but it has it's frame

1st August 2012, 16:26
I would start by creating a custom QWidget (derived from QTabBar) that contains both a QTabBar and a QToolBar widget in a layout. Then, derive a custom QTabWidget class that replaces its native QTabBar with an instance of your custom tab bar class (see QTabWidget::setTabBar()). This is a protected function, so you are forced to derive a new QTabWidget class. You would probably need to do that anyway, because you will be changing the tool bar contents depending on what is being displayed in a specific tab.

1st August 2012, 16:37
thanks and how i can add toolbar to QWidget i try some thinks but they don't work

Added after 5 minutes:

I would start by creating a custom QWidget (derived from QTabBar) that contains both a QTabBar and a QToolBar widget in a layout. Then, derive a custom QTabWidget class that replaces its native QTabBar with an instance of your custom tab bar class (see QTabWidget::setTabBar()). This is a protected function, so you are forced to derive a new QTabWidget class. You would probably need to do that anyway, because you will be changing the tool bar contents depending on what is being displayed in a specific tab. this isn't quite what i want because still stay window's frames. What you wrote is good but it will not look good i want tabbar in frame

I know how make QToolBar but i don't know how i can dock it to Top when i create toolbar in Widget
QToolbar *bar= new QToolbar("toolbar",this); it make toolbar but the toolbar size is about 2x2 but i want toolba like toolbar in QMainWindow

1st August 2012, 21:27
ok you can forget what i say. Now i have toolbar
QToolbar *bar= new QToolbar("toolbar",this);8084 but i want dock it to top like 8083

3rd August 2012, 16:10
// MainWindow.cpp constructor:

QToolBar *bar = new QToolBar( "toolbar", this );
QDockWidget * dock = new QDockWidget( "dockwidget", this );
dock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::TopDockWidgetArea );
dock->setFloating( false );
dock->setWidget( toolbar );

3rd August 2012, 17:55
It's don't work like i want. I have QWidget and i want add toolbar to the Widget and i want same toolbar like in QMainWindow do you understand what i mean ???

4th August 2012, 01:59
Then why don't you use QMainWindow instead of QWidget as your base class?

4th August 2012, 12:34
I found how to solve it
QVBoxLayout* vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this);
setLayout(vbox); this is what i need :D