View Full Version : Maximum Size of QPixmap/QImage Windows

11th February 2011, 10:55
I have a QGraphicsView for a very wide QGraphicsScene. I need to draw the background in drawBackground() and the background is a bit complicated (long loop) although it doesn't need to be repainted constantly. I store it in a static QPixmap (I tried QImage too) inside the function drawBackground() and that pixmap is what I draw onto the painter of the view. Only when needed is the QPixmap painted on again.

If I didn't use a static pixmap, the complicated background would be generated every time I scroll sideways for example. The problem is that apparently there is a maximum width for pixmaps on Windows, on my computer it's 32770. I could store a list of pixmaps and draw them side by side but it would make the code uglier and I also don't know what the maximum width of a pixmap is for every Windows machine. Since this might be a well-known problem I was wondering if anyone has a better solution.


11th February 2011, 11:17
If I didn't use a static pixmap, the complicated background would be generated every time I scroll sideways for example. The problem is that apparently there is a maximum width for pixmaps on Windows, on my computer it's 32770. I could store a list of pixmaps and draw them side by side but it would make the code uglier and I also don't know what the maximum width of a pixmap is for every Windows machine. Since this might be a well-known problem I was wondering if anyone has a better solution.
Have a look at QPainter::drawTiledPixmap().

11th February 2011, 11:30
Thanks, I didn't know about that. Although that only solves it for the part of the pixmap that stays the same, other part of the pixmap would change from tile to tile.

11th February 2011, 11:51
Then there are two options I see:
1. Don't use drawBackround, rather, put your pixmaps in items.
That way, you don't waste memory, and let QGraphicsScene control which pixmaps are drawn (only the visible ones) -which is very efficient.
2. Implement the visibility check on the pixmaps you self, and only draw the visible ones in drawBackground.

11th February 2011, 12:58
Thanks again for answering. 1 would use more memory, what I can't use with tiled pixmaps because it changes is text and I'd prefer to avoid the overhead of having to use a qgraphicsitem for each piece of text of which there are many. I like 2 but I'm looking at the API and I don't see any function to get the visible area of the scene from the view.

There is a scrollbar and sceneRect() would return the whole scene (the whole scene is visualized) but not the smaller Rect that is visible on screen when the function is called. I could get the value of the scrollbar and work from there but it would be cumbersome, isn't there any function that gets me that x coordinate I want? QWidget's visibleRegion doesn't work either.

Ok I found the solution to my last question:

QRect portRect = viewport()->rect();
QRectF sceneRect = mapToScene(portRect).boundingRect();

sceneRect.x() will have the coordinate I want.

Thanks again

11th February 2011, 13:07

Use the exposedRect that a graphicsitem::paint function recieves. You will need to create an item for your background set its z order to a low number and implement your own caching method..

// Need this for exposedRect to be initialized!
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption ,true);

void CustomItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
// Use the exposedRect
option->exposedRect ..

