View Full Version : Appropriate widget to display coming data

14th February 2011, 17:25
I need to display in real time data records coming from TCPIP connection. Each record contains the same number of items. In the other words, I need a multi-column view which can quickly append rows. I am trying QTableWidget but it appears to be more appropriate for the fixed size table. Is there a better one for my purpose?
Note that data arrives quickly (500 records/sec).

14th February 2011, 17:42
Have you considered to create your own model and display it on a view (perhaps with a custom delegate)? And who is capable to see 500 records a second...

14th February 2011, 18:36
I have, but Its hard to believe that I am the first person who needs to add and display rows of data. Speed is not critical, user will watch it only after communications stop. Besides, typical update rate is much slower.

14th February 2011, 18:49
A standard item model and a tree view will do just fine I think.

14th February 2011, 18:50
For speed, you'll most likely want to store the data in a format that makes sense to you, so why not use a model which simply uses that data rather than duplicating it? Maybe in the future you will also want to save and/or filter that data, so you'll need it in an appropriate format then too.

Creating your own model is an easy and quick thing to do; it's not even worth copying an existing model to modify to your requirements.