View Full Version : qca-gnupg chokes on big files.

18th February 2011, 05:54

I am newbie to QCA and I am trying to build a small application using qca, qca-gnupg. I am kind of trying to decrypt a number of files. I have built a small application which does this.

The application runs well and decrypts a few files but gets stuck on a file(filename:390) which is like 5MB in size. I am not able to figure out why none of the signals readyRead, byteWritten and finished of SecureMessage are being emitted.

When I try to decrypt this file(390) using gpg.exe at the console the file is decrypted within a second.

Also, I am able to catch the signals only if I use SecureMessage->waitForFinished(). If I don't call SecureMessage->waitForFinished then the signals are not emitted at all irrespective of the file size.

I have attached my complete code, the dir.txt (to check file sizes) and the output.txt I get from my application which includes the diagnostic text from gpg.exe.

Can anyone please take a look at my code and let me know where I am going wrong? Or can you please let me know where I can get support for QCA and QCA-GnuPG. Please let me know if anymore information is needed. Thank you.


Ps:- Regarding the passphrase. I tried to work with the passphrase by using QCA:EventHandler as in the examples. But it was also behaving in a unpredictable manner so I tweaked the qca-gnupg code to pass the passphrase as an argument to gpg.exe (--passphrase "mypassphrase" )