View Full Version : How to build Qt Cryptograaphic Architechture

21st February 2011, 11:50
Hello all, hope you are having a nice time.

I'm trying to build QCA in order to make a Password Saver application in Qt using RSA

According to the INSTALL file I must configure first so I used: configure.exe --qtdir=C:\qt\2010.05\qt\bin

This is the output:

Configuring Qt Cryptographic Architechture (QCA)
Veryfying Qt 4 build enviroment ... fail

Reason: Unable to find 'qmake' tool for Qt 4.

Be sure you have a proper Qt 4.0 build enviroment set up. This means not just Qt but also a C++ compiler, a make tool, and any other packages ...

At least one of the folowing conditions must be satisfied:

1) --qtdir is set to the location of Qt.
2)%QTDIR% is set to the location of Qt.

Reason: Unable to find 'qmake' tool for Qt 4.

I undersand the error but as mentioned I have set --qtdir to the location of Qt.

Added after 1 22 minutes:

Also I'm sure I have a complete Qt 4.0 build enviroment.

Added after 23 minutes:

Btw, I am on Qt 4.0, my qmake directory is C:\qt\2010.05\qt\bin.
I googled it and found nothing related to a configuration error.

28th February 2011, 10:48
I don't know if you have already found the solution. Anyway just use
configure.exe --qtdir=C:\qt\2010.05\qt\
without the bin at the end

28th February 2011, 18:35
QCA requires Qt 4.2 or greater.

And you can run QT command promt. It set environment settings

5th March 2011, 11:55
SOLVED: Thank you Rhayader I used configure.exe --qtdir=C:\qt\2010.05\qt without bin. It worked :)