View Full Version : QIODevice read() problem (reads more than maxSize)

22nd February 2011, 11:09

I'm writing an application that captures audio from microphone input using QtMultimedia (QAudioInput). Based on the "spectrum" demo from http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/trees/4.7/demos/spectrum I wrote "audioDataReady()" slot:

void Engine::audioDataReady()
Q_ASSERT(0 == m_bufferPosition);
const qint64 bytesReady = m_audioInput->bytesReady();
const qint64 bytesSpace = m_buffer.size() - m_dataLength;
const qint64 bytesToRead = qMin(bytesReady, bytesSpace);
const qint64 bytesRead = m_audioInputIODevice->read(
m_buffer.data() + m_dataLength,

if (bytesRead) {
m_dataLength += bytesRead;
qDebug() << "bytesReady:" << bytesReady << "| bytesSpace:" << bytesSpace << "| bytesToRead:" << bytesToRead << "| bytesRead:" << bytesRead; // added line
emit dataLengthChanged(dataLength());

if (m_buffer.size() == m_dataLength)

First few lines of output are:
bytesReady: 680 | bytesSpace: 160000 | bytesToRead: 680 | bytesRead: 1700
bytesReady: 680 | bytesSpace: 158300 | bytesToRead: 680 | bytesRead: 1360
bytesReady: 1020 | bytesSpace: 156940 | bytesToRead: 1020 | bytesRead: 1700

The question is: why QIODevice::read ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) reads more bytes than second argument tells to read.

P.S. After 10 seconds of recording, "spectrum" demo exits with "Buffer overflow" error what is normal I think because read() method tries to read eg. 1700 bytes but there is only eg. 1000 bytes free.