View Full Version : EXAMPLE:Trying to understand model/view with QTableView!!!

22nd February 2011, 19:22
well, I have read some tens of times most tutorials,posts and examples. I think I have understood most of the functions and classes, but I fail to put all these together.

I am looking for a very simple example:

a tableview with just 1 row and 2 columns, just two boxes.
One box should be a widget-qcombobox and the other just normal box to insert a string.

Now, I want to connect the database of the tableview with a QLineEdit (let's call it resultLineEdit) every time a new value is inserted by the user.

Can you give me a piece of code to start with?

Added after 1 58 minutes:

i started like this:

class M : public QWidget

M(QWidget *parent = 0);

QStandardItemModel *model;
QTableView *table;

QLineEdit * resultEdit;
QPushButton *quit;


M::M(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
int r = 2,c = 2;

model = new QStandardItemModel(r,c);
table = new QTableView();

for (int row = 0; row < r; ++row) {
for (int column = 0; column < c; ++column) {
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("iii"));

resultEdit = new QLineEdit;
resultEdit->setText("results here....");
quit = new QPushButton;
connect(quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();

the question is:
how can I connect the the changes of any item of the table to the slot setText(QString) of the resultEdit?

22nd February 2011, 19:37
Is it a combination of the following?

Qt:: DisplayRole

any small code example would be really helpful!

22nd February 2011, 21:11
QTableView is not really fit for what you want. I would rather use QDataWidgetMapper. It uses widgets to display data from a model. QTableView doesn't.

23rd February 2011, 09:27
just to understand,
do you mean that if I generally want to display/use the data from the model/view architecture I have to use QDataWidgetMapper? What I really want to do is the user to set some parameters to plot a scientific diagram through qwt. The user would inserts these values (boxes and qcomboboxes) and if necessary s/he would add a new row and insert more (it's a complex curve fitting problem)