View Full Version : Reference an external C dll

22nd February 2011, 18:57

I am trying to reference an external C dll in my project, but I get some errors:

undefined reference to '_imp__FT_Open@8'
undefined reference to '_imp__FT_GetDeviceInfo@24'
undefined reference to '_imp__FT_Close@4'

In my .pro file I put:

LIBS += -L"lib/"

The .dll and .h files are available from FTDI, to communicate with USB chip.

My project is in the attachments.

Anyone can help me?


22nd February 2011, 19:13
Please ignore this post (even though it does work) - see post from ChrisW67 for correct solution

I'm using the same device, the following works for me:

Inside the .pro file:

INCLUDEPATH += c:/ftdidrv
LIBS += c:/ftdidrv/i386/libftd2xx.a

btw: I created libftd2xx.a (perhaps a bit of a misnomer) as follows:

reimp -d ftd2xx.lib
This will create a file called FTD2XX.DEF, which then needs the leading underscore removed from all function names. Next issue the following command:

dlltool --input-def FTD2XX.def --dllname ftd2xx.dll --output-lib libftd2xx.a -k

your app will still need the dll, and I redistribute the one click FTDI CDM installer with my app. I just realized this will only work for i386 - :eek:

If you find a better way, I'd be quite interested ;)

ps: reimp is part of mingw-utils (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MinGW/Utilities/mingw-utils/). Download version 0.3, not 0.4.1 (this one didn't work for me)

22nd February 2011, 19:37
Are you sure your lib is compiled with the same compiler you use?

In example Visual C++ and GCC?

22nd February 2011, 19:40
Are you sure your lib is compiled with the same compiler you use?

In example Visual C++ and GCC?

that's exactly what reimp is for.

22nd February 2011, 19:57
I already used the reimp, but the errors are same :(

I dont know what to do

22nd February 2011, 20:08
I already used the reimp, but the errors are same :(

I dont know what to do

did you follow the steps in my earlier post exactly?
Did you download and run the CDM installer?

22nd February 2011, 22:08
did you follow the steps in my earlier post exactly?
Did you download and run the CDM installer?

Yes, I follow your steps and I follow the FTDI's installation guide, but I still get the same errors

Can you send me your dlls with the .a files? Or your test project?
My e-mail is newtoncw@hotmail.com

Thanks for your help

22nd February 2011, 22:25
if you get the exact same error then you did not follow this step:

This will create a file called FTD2XX.DEF, which then needs the leading underscore removed from all function names

can you attach your project again?

22nd February 2011, 22:35
Given that the interface is declared ' extern "C" ' and the functions are not __stdcall there should not be any name mangling issues and no need for the reimp/dlltool stuff.

I don't know what "qtAddLibrary()" is: cannot find it in my docs. Your PRO file should look like this:

LIBS += -L$$quote($$PWD/lib) -lftd2xx

and you do not need either the .def file or the resulting .a file. With just ftd2xx.dll and ftd2xx.lib in the lib directory this works just fine:

Y:\testeusb>dir /b lib

Y:\testeusb>qmake "CONFIG+=release"

mingw32-make -f Makefile.Release
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `Y:/testeusb'
g++ -c -O2 -frtti -fexceptions -mthreads -Wall -DUNICODE -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT
nclude\QtCore" -I"c:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\include" -I"c:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\include\Acti
veQt" -I"release" -I"c:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++" -o release\main.o mai
g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup -Wl,-enable-auto-import -Wl,-enable-runtime-pseudo-rel
oc -Wl,-s -Wl,-subsystem,console -mthreads -Wl -o release\testeusb.exe release/m
ain.o -L"c:\Qt\2010.02.1\qt\lib" -LY:/testeusb/lib -lftd2xx -lQtCore4
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `Y:/testeusb'

Y:\testeusb>dir /b release

22nd February 2011, 22:53
@ChrisW67 you're right - I just did a rebuild of my app. I'm not sure why I went down that road of using reimp - I guess I was trying to create a static lib and failed as it still required the dll. I then just left it at that.

23rd February 2011, 00:13
Thanks @schnitzel, I really had forgotten that step :p

@ChrisW67, this works fine

Now its all ok

Thanks guys :D

23rd September 2012, 11:49
I am sorry to revive this thread .. but the thing is that i have the same symptoms, but not the same solution...

I also get this error when compiling:

C:\...\testeusb\main.cpp:22: error: undefined reference to `_imp__FT_Open@8'

Even though i modified the .pro file with that line:

LIBS += -L$$quote($$PWD/lib) -lftd2xx

FYI, I downloaded the project file inlcuded in this thread, so i am assuming something is wrong with my compiler..? (since all user here seem to be able to compile it..)

I am using QT 4.8.1 with mingw.

Thank you very much.