View Full Version : Qt Application and config File?

25th February 2011, 11:51
Hello dear members, I am new for QT Development.

I want to learn about writing and loading config files by qt Application.
But a config file will to be xml or cfg file. Because it makes sure. I have been found this config for ini files. But it has problem with Avira Blocker. Do not forget a virus program like Avira Premium 10 by Germany has been blocked ini files. Now Qt Application can not work while you save default setting by Qt Application than your virus program kills with Qt Applications.

I am using my system Ubuntu Linux 10.10

Please make sure with xml or cfg Files!

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5. a. Question:
Can it event by our system? example. Function: AS3: getQtPath:String = "/usr/Qt4"; so like this MDM Studio Zinc 3.x was showed with AS3: example: mdm.Application.Path("/usr/qt40"); ?

I know about Microsoft Visual Studio with adding com & plugin... But I do not know what is new from QT-Creator :(.

Thanks for advanced talk!

Sorry i am deaf. Thanks. YOu are welcome. :)
Best regards SnakeMedia

27th February 2011, 08:12
Please divide your questions into more threads where one thread corresponds to one area of questions and please try to use a bit more proper English. Also search the forum, some of your questions have already been answered.