View Full Version : Touch Screen on Windows 7

1st March 2011, 22:49
Does anyone have any experience using QT applications on Windows 7 with mutli touch displays?

From my research, it appears that Windows 7 maps basic touch events to mouse events for legacy windows app. I have a Qt 4.7 app that was developed with the intention of using left and right mouse clicks, if I install this under Windows 7 ultimate on a device with a multi-touch screen, will the touch events map through to mouse events?

My concern is that Qt's touch interface may interpret the events as touch events.


2nd March 2011, 09:21
Well, a good place to start would be at the QTouchEvent docs.

2nd March 2011, 14:15
Well, a good place to start would be at the QTouchEvent docs.

Yes, thank you, I was aware of that and what I am trying to confirm, is that if Touch Events are not enabled, then they should just map through as tradition mouse events under Windows 7 Ultimate.

My research from Microsoft's doccumentation says that basic touch events (left mouse definelty and possibly right mouse) will map directly to standard legacy win32 apps mouse events with out any issues. I am just trying to confirm that QT will not try intercept these touch events causing me to loose the mouse events?