View Full Version : dll error in deployment

2nd March 2011, 02:19
Hi,everyone. I wanna use a custom dll for my app. The app runs fine on computers that have installed Qt Creator, but when I packed the release file to other computer which doesn't have installed, the app cannot load that custom dll.

I've checked the directory and put that dll in the working directory.

2nd March 2011, 06:05
Have you checked the dependencies of your library? Do you also have delivered the corresponding Qt dll's alongside your library?

2nd March 2011, 11:51
Thanx for the reply.
The custom library is written in VS08 and hasn't used any other library, it include the following files:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>

Is there anything I shall notice to use it and deploy it with Qt? Shall I include these files in Qt project as well?

2nd March 2011, 13:38
Ok, without any further information I only can guess: Maybe your dll is in a location your application can't find it. So to check that, move the dll to the standard library path on windows. Now, can you use the library in your application? If yes, have a look at "Deploying an Application on Windows" at the documentation, at the end you find a section where you must locate the dll's when deploying your application.