View Full Version : reacting on moving or resizeing

2nd March 2011, 22:20
I've placed a QDockWidget to my MainWindow.
Now I want to connect a slot to this DockWidget.
I want to call a sub when the user resizes, moves, docks or undocks the Widget.

Looking forward for your help.

3rd March 2011, 05:59
The QDockWidget emits QDockWidget::topLevelChanged() when docked or undocked.
The dock widget's QWidget::resizeEvent() should be called when the widget is resized.

3rd March 2011, 12:22
Okay, but how can I use the resizeEvent() as a SIGNAL of the QDockWidget?
When I type the connect command, resizeEvent is not existing in the list of available signals.

connect(ui->dockWidget_Contractor,SIGNAL(topLevelChanged(bool) ), this,SLOT(testsub()));

3rd March 2011, 21:45
I think I solved the problem with the missing resizeEvent().
I found another thread with the answer.
Here is the link for everyone who has the same problem.
