View Full Version : changing thread affinity properly

3rd March 2011, 14:33
Hi there. I'd like to know what is the proper way of using moveToThread function. I have QTcpSocket object as a member of QThread derived class. I've got some warning messages about thread affinity. To solve that I call moveToThread inside my thread class:

class MyDownloadingThread: public QThread
QTcpSocket socket;


MyDownloadingThread::MyDownloadingThread(ParentThr ead *parentThread)
this->parentThread = parentThread;

Is it correct? Or maybe I should call moveToThread after starting the target thread?

3rd March 2011, 14:54
if you check in a debugger (or debug output) you will see that your case 'this' and 'parentThread' are the same.
Your QThread starts a new thread only after start() has been called (which internally means after run() hast been called).

3rd March 2011, 16:17
Read this article. There is good explanation (http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/).
In general it means that this information is needed for connection (automatic or queued) in which tread slot should be run when connected signal is emitted.
Note that:

you don't need to subclass QThread
never move thread to itself.

3rd March 2011, 18:05
thanks for the article. now i see it is not necessary to subclass QThread, but, honestly, i don't see much difference. We can write something like

QThread *thread = new QThread;
Worker *worker = new Worker;

// now start the thread

or we can subclass it and move the object in the constructor:


in both cases object is moved to the thread before it is started, so in both cases the object seems to be moved to the thread interface that QThread is.

and i don't move thread to itself - i move objects to a thread (see my thread declaration).