View Full Version : Problably "Stupid Question"

Danny Fan
6th March 2011, 11:51
Hi (sorry for my english)
I'm a developer in VB.net and I start to check and view the QT.

I'm finding some problem to understand the system to use the class..

Somebody have the possibility to write to me a very stupid example for a QT application...

But really simple... something like a class where I have the possibility to save or read a number and a slot..

I'm sorry for the "stupid question"

Thanks in advance

6th March 2011, 12:21
Have you seen the examples and tutorials that come with Qt? They are really simple. I'd start by following this tutorial: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.4/tutorials-tutorial.html

Danny Fan
6th March 2011, 18:41
Thanks a lot for The answer

I undertand with The tutorial what I wrong

Really stupid thing.... Thanks a lot