View Full Version : compiling QT with third party libraries

6th March 2011, 15:35
Hello from a newbie to QT. I have been reading a text that shows me the way to compile and run QT programs using the following steps given that I have a simple helloworld file

1 #include <QApplication>
2 #include <QLabel>
3 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
4 {
5 QApplication app(argc, argv);
6 QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello Qt!");
7 label->show();
8 return app.exec();
9 }

[1] qmake -project
[2] qmake hello.pro
[3] make
[4] ./hello.

All this is fine and I understand this. But what if I have a yet another third party library that I am using in my application ...say for example the Boost library. WHere am I to specify the include dir (using -I option) and the library dir (using the -Loption) for Boost ??? I am at a loss and editing the Makefile generated by Qmake gives me the shivers because I dont know where to insert what. Any help would be appreciated.

Added after 29 minutes:

I found the solution myself. Thanks for reading

6th March 2011, 15:40
In your .pro file.