View Full Version : How to install qwt with qt4 on RHEL 6?

6th March 2011, 17:46
I have installed Qt 4.7.0(64 bit) on red hat 6 and it is working also.But in my project I also need qwt ,so I installed qwt 5.2.1 , I see header files Qwt_double_interval.h,
Qwt_color_map.h which I included in my project but while compiling it is showing an error :
undefined reference to QwtLinearColormap
Am I going wrong with installation of Qwt or where I am going wrong?

7th March 2011, 17:39
have you correctly linked Qwt?
can you post your project file?

7th March 2011, 23:50
The compiler is finding the header files. An undefined reference indicates that the linker can't find the Qwt libraries. You'll need to add something like

LIBS += -L /path/to/qwt/installation -lqwt

to your project file.