View Full Version : Qt complier error

8th March 2011, 04:52
when i debug qt application, an error appeares.
the information of error is that "The gdb process exited unexpectedly code 3".
what does it mean ?

thank you.

8th March 2011, 05:23
It means the Gnu debugger (gdb) ended possibly because the debugged program did something bad. If it had not been "unexpectedly" then it may simply be that the debugged program exited cleanly with a code of 3. Start your program and single step it to the failure.

8th March 2011, 05:30
Thank you for your reply.
My application is read image from camera and show it.
It is a loop.
And this time it runs about 4 hours and appeared the this error.
By the way, do you know code 3 means what?
I think if i know code 3, i can find bug.
But i think sometimes qt is not steady.

8th March 2011, 06:46
If it is running OK for 4 hours before crashing out then you should probably be looking for a memory leak or other chronic resource issue.

Do you see a stack backtrace when the program terminates?

8th March 2011, 08:00
Sometime it happens, some it does not happen.
I also check memory leak, but it works well, i think no problem.
I also have another question.
The details is that when application runs for a long time, QTextedit not update text, QImage not update image. But when i hide dialog and show it again, it can update again.
So i think the reason may be, first is update signal is blocked, second is Qt build in bug.
Have you met these before?
Thank you.