View Full Version : using a singleton when you will need more than one instance

8th October 2006, 16:42
i'd like to use a singleton for one of my classes. The class has an attribute named oid and i will need one instance for every value of oid - i just need to make sure there is no second one.
so i tried:

class cAnlagenArt {
static cAnlagenArt* self( QString oid );
static QMap<QString, cAnlagenArt* > _self;

and tried the following:

cAnlagenArt* cAnlagenArt::self(QString oid) {
if ( ! _self.contains(oid) )
_self[oid] = new cAnlagenArt( oid );
return _self[oid];

which gets me lots of
undefined reference to `cAnlagenArt::_self'

how else can i do this?

8th October 2006, 16:47
Have you defined the static member somewhere in the .cpp file?

QMap<QString, cAnlagenArt* > cAnlagenArt::_self;

8th October 2006, 16:49
noo, i thought i only needed to set pointers to 0 in this way. thank you