View Full Version : Command line prompt window along with qt's application on Windows platform

9th March 2011, 09:57

I have a strange problem. Every time I run my QT4 application by double clicking the exe, there's a command line prompt window along with the app. I don't know how to remove it, just show the application window.

I compiled the source code with visual studio 2003.NET. I also checked the Makefile.am, found nothing special. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem? BTW, I'm using QT4.7.0, but I don't think version matters this time.

Thank you very much!

9th March 2011, 10:04
On Qt SDK i did this: project--->properties-->buildtarget-->type-->GUI appliction

But for you, edit your project.pro file, with option add " -mwindows",
if still not work, gooooooogle something about VS 2003.NET, no ideas for it.


9th March 2011, 10:11
sorry, I can't find the setting option in visual studio.NET 2003 for your first solution.:(
For your second solution, I don't have a pro file, just Makefile.am. Can you explain in more detail?
Thank you!

9th March 2011, 12:52
Sorry about my English :p. I said my envronment is Qt SDK ( qtcreator as IDE ).

But did you mind your VS project type any time?
I think you may create a Windows Appication **instead** Console Application project,
at the startup of your VS.