View Full Version : how to browse images in qt ??

10th March 2011, 01:12
how to browse images in qt ??
I used this program

QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
tr("Find Files"), QDir::currentPath());

But, does not display the image
I do not know why

10th March 2011, 01:33
Read the example documentation (that is an example that comes with the Qt SDK), because the code you posted is for selection of the folders (directories) where to search for files, not for opening files with a filter for pictures, that can be done with QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(...) (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileNames)

//if i didn't understand your problem right, please provide more details about your issue.

10th March 2011, 02:27
Thank you
I want to take the image from my computer, then display the image.

What better way to display the images in qt designer ??

10th March 2011, 21:16
Better than what?