View Full Version : Qt Creator 2.1.0 and Qt 4.7.2 on Windows

10th March 2011, 19:14
I am trying to tune QT Creator. I have build errors while building default windows application project. Qt Creator shows me line of errors "cannot find file " - lmingw32, lmingwthrd, lmingwex, lmsvcrt, ... etc. I installed minGW in directory C:\MinGW and pointed out this directory in Options -> Settings -> Qt Versions.
Do you have any ideas why Qt creator cannot find these files?

10th March 2011, 22:11
I am trying to tune QT Creator. I have build errors while building default windows application project. Qt Creator shows me line of errors "cannot find file " - lmingw32, lmingwthrd, lmingwex, lmsvcrt, ... etc.
What do you mean by "tune"? Did you build Creator and (particularly) Qt 4.7.2 yourself using the same MingW compiler you are expecting to build your project with? Are you using the Beta SDK?

I installed minGW in directory C:\MinGW and pointed out this directory in Options -> Settings -> Qt Versions.
Since when has MingW been a version of Qt?

Do you have any ideas why Qt creator cannot find these files?
It probably cannot find these files because your environment is not correct. Are you running Qt Creator in an environment where you can use MingW from the command line and have it work?