View Full Version : Best class for pop up boxes

13th March 2011, 23:31
I'm trying to write a program were the user is able to configure different aspects of the application. I have a basic menu that the user can scroll over and it brings a drop down menu of things that he/she can configure. When he/she clicks on the target that they want to configure, I want to bring up a pop up window with a new layout. I've never done anything like this and can't find any examples that have this ability (All I can find are examples with QMessageBox). What is the best class to use for this type of application?

Thank you in advanced

14th March 2011, 07:43
What is the best class to use for this type of application?
This is supposed to be a pop-up settings window, so you'll need to define the class yourself - I guess a subclass of QDialog could be a good option here.

14th March 2011, 20:47
Do you know of any examples that show how to do this? I'm not very advanced and I can't find any.

14th March 2011, 21:56
Do you know of any examples that show how to do this? I'm not very advanced and I can't find any.
Do you know how to create a custom widget ?
You can find a lot of very good examples in Qt (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/examples.html) installation, try to start with widgets examples.