View Full Version : QxtGroupBox: arrange the size of the boxes when expanded

15th March 2011, 04:39
I am having troubles with the expanded size of the QxtGroupBox.
I have 1 QVBoxLayOut with 2 QxtGroupBoxes.
Which function should I use in order to arrange the size of the QxtGroupBoxes when both are expanded? Now, one of the QxtGroupBox get 80% of the screen!
It seems that the size of each of the QxtGroupBoxes depends on the widget that are in them!
Any suggestions?

15th March 2011, 17:00
I suppose that the problem itself has nothing to do with the QxtGroupBox, it is exactly the same even if I use QGroupBox.
If I have 2 empty QGroupBoxes in the QVBoxLayOut, they share the space 50%-50%.
Some widget make the QGroupBoxes to take more space even if they don't really need them.

For example, if I put a QPushBotton in each of the QGroupBoxes, each QGroupBox will take 50% of the space as I mentioned already. BUT If insert a QStandardItemModel (with just one row) the corresponding QGroupBox will take something like 70%(even if it does not need it!), whereas if I insert a QWebView then the QGroupBox that contains it will take almost 90% of the space squizzing the other QGroupBox and its widget to a tiny 10%!!!

Obviously there is something that I haven't understood with QGroupBox or QVBoxLayOut..any help please??