View Full Version : Some text properties...

16th March 2011, 17:17
I'm making a kind of a notepad with a PlainTextEdit...
But I have some questions.
1)The font size,is too small.How can I set it to a bigger one?
2)How can I make a thing like this (http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/powerpoint/images/2MasterSlideFormatFontDB.gif) in the menu,for the user?
3)I'd like to add a syntax highlighting for c++ to it as well..and I found the custom at the examples..but it doesn't seem to work.Is there any other and better way?

Thank you guys.

16th March 2011, 17:34
1) you can change the point size in Designer properties
2) QFontDialog
3) take a look at Syntax Highlighter example: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/richtext-syntaxhighlighter.html