View Full Version : I can't to refresh a QAbstractItemView ??'

16th March 2011, 18:33
Sorry ... I delete the original post by error.
I explain that I had a button to add data to a model and it did not change

The problem is :
I had :

connect (botonadd,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(anadir));
And it must be :

connect (botonadd,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(anadir()));

I dont understand how has been possible that the last code has not launched an error ?

17th March 2011, 20:28
Slot and signal connections are determined at run-time so the compiler will not generate an error. If you look at the application output though you should see something to the effect of QObject::connect: No Such Signal. That is why you didn't get an "error"