View Full Version : Legend manipulation

17th March 2011, 07:01
In a plot, I have a curve with huge number of points. To make for good printing, i don't show symbols on curves, but rather use markers to show a select few on them.
There are other curves too. Now I want to show a legend for
Only some of the curves on the plot
with the symbol of markers

I know this is quite irritating a thing to ask for, but is there a way to do this! I am using Qwt6.
Thanks in advance!

17th March 2011, 07:11
Markers and curves are plot items and for each item you can configure if it is supposed to appear on the legend or not:

QwtPlotItem::setItemAttribute( QwtPlotItem::Legend, true/false);
With reimplementing YourCurve::drawLegendIdentifier() you can display your marker symbol.
