View Full Version : Maemo Emulator

17th March 2011, 09:39
I read many things about the emulator that I can use (I have Nokia Qt SDK) for N900 device simulation.

I tried to launch it, but I have no idea what is happening:
If my project is selected and i target Maemo, then I launch Maemo emulator - the emulator starts, but nothing happens.
If I target the Maemo and try to Build project I get following message in the Application Output:
"Cleaning up remote leftovers first ...
Error running initial cleanup: Could not connect to host.."

If I need to provide more information for you to help me - no problem, just ask for it.

I have a Maemo device configuration with following settings:
Configuration: Emulator
Name: Emulator
Device type: Maemo emulator
Authentication type: Password
Host name: localhost
SSH: 6666
Gdb server 13219
Connection timeout: 10s
Username: developer

In the left side I selected Projects->Targets->Maemo->Run and i changed Device configuration to Emulator.

I think I'll add my .pro also:

QT += core gui

TARGET = maemo-try

SOURCES += main.cpp\
mainwindow.cpp \

HEADERS += mainwindow.h \

CONFIG += mobility

symbian {
TARGET.UID3 = 0xefa169f0
TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x020000 0x800000

21st March 2011, 07:25
Didn't solved this problem yet, can someone help?
I read some threads about this, in every one of them people are talking about real devices, so another question a have:
Do I need to have Nokia N900 device to get this emulator to work, or not?